Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA)
Results for Knox County Public Schools
Reading Assessment
Elementary • 38% Proficient | 22% Distinguished
Middle • 33% Proficient | 19% Distinguished
High School • 31% Proficient | 13% Distinguished
Mathematics Assessment
Elementary • 38% Proficient | 15% Distinguished
Middle • 33% Proficient | 10% Distinguished
High School • 29% Proficient | 4% Distinguished

Governor’s Scholars Program
New Friends • Focused Learning • College Life • Field Trips • Hands-on Learning
New Friends • Focused Learning • College Life • Field Trips • Hands-on Learning
Questions about GSP?
Your high school guidance counselor can answer most questions or you may email the district’s coordinator:
Frank Shelton
Imagine a summer of hands-on learning in new and exciting focus areas, making new friends, and becoming Kentucky’s “best and brightest” as you enter your senior year of high school.
The Governor’s Scholars Program is a summer residential program for outstanding high school students in Kentucky who are rising seniors.
Students will spend five weeks on one of the host campuses: Centre College in Danville, Morehead State University in Morehead, and Murray State University in Murray. Regardless of location, the core curriculum for these summer sessions is threefold:
Focus Area: Courses that allow a student to pursue a topic in-depth as a member of a small group stressing the development of ideas in the chosen discipline, with the option of additional independent study.
General Studies: Classes the emphasize inquiry, service-learning, community leadership, and resolution development.
Leadership Seminar: Personal development seminars that stress concerns and problems faced by students, including such subjects as values clarification, career choice, and interpersonal relationships.
If selected to attend, there are no costs involved. Your tuition, room, board, most class supplies, and program activities are all part of the experience.
To be eligible to apply and be selected as a Governor's Scholar, a student must:
Be in the 11th grade at the time of selection and intend to return to a Kentucky school district for the next school term. (Students skipping their senior year to enter college are not eligible);
Be a current resident of Kentucky;
Have taken the ACT, PSAT, or SAT in the 9th, 10th or 11th grades.
How to Apply
Each high school counselor (Knox Central and Lynn Camp) have received an informational packet containing sample forms and hints and tips for composing the best application. Each school then submits their application to the district level to be reviewed. Each school district in the state is allotted a certain number of candidates based on its junior class enrollment, but does not guarantee that a school district will have a Governor’s Scholar selected to attend. At the state level, typically over 2,000 applications are received and approximately 1,020 are selected to attend the Program.
The application packet is online, however Knox County specific due dates and guidelines are in the packet available from your guidance counselor.
The application period for Summer 2025 has closed.
How can I prepare to submit an application for next year?
Community Service is a component of the application. Look for multiple ways to volunteer.
Community Recommendation is one requirement. Who in the community knows you best? How can build their knowledge of your work ethic, academics, etc.?