Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA)
Results for Knox County Public Schools

Reading Assessment
Elementary 27% Proficient | 17% Distinguished
Middle 34% Proficient | 16% Distinguished
High School 31% Proficient | 11% Distinguished

Mathematics Assessment
Elementary 31% Proficient | 9% Distinguished
Middle 30% Proficient | 9% Distinguished
High School 23% Proficient | 6% Distinguished

Student Attendance

Win a Razor and Helmet During
2nd Semester for Good Attendance

During the second semester, each KCPS school has an electric Razor Scooter and Helmet to give away for good attendance.

  • All students who have 95% or better attendance during the second semester are eligible to win.

  • On the last day of school, second semester attendance data will be used to randomly select the student winner at each school!

Frequently Asked Questions

For more information about attendance requirements, home hospital instruction, reporting home school, and admission information please contact our office of Director of Pupil Personnel:

(606)645-2830, ext. 2408

To enroll your child for the first time in a Knox County Public School, contact the attendance clerk at the school your child will be enrolling. (Click on our school menu above for contact information.)

To transfer from one Knox County or Kentucky school, you may also contact the attendance clerks. Most student records may be transferred electronically from one to another.